After deliberation, the RMLOA board voted to raise the 2024 RMLOA membership dues to $105.
Your dues must be paid by February 24, 2024.
RMLOA dues have been $75 since 2012, and the board has not increased in the past 12 years. Unfortunately, costs have increased over that time. You may recall the RMLOA cut dues by 50% in 2021 given the Pandemic and canceled 2020 season.
As an incentive, if your RMLOA dues are paid by February 9, 2024, you will receive a $5 discount.
You will recall, the RMLOA and other CHSAA officiating associations, lobbied for increased game and travel fees. Because of these efforts, CHSAA raised Game Fees and Travel Fees this academic year.
2024 CHSAA Boys Lacrosse (BLAX) Game Fees:
Varsity (2 or 3 officials): $85.00
Sub-Varsity: $60.00
2024 CHSAA Travel Fees:
Denver Metro/Colorado Springs: $10
Mountain Area: 50 cents per mile round trip, zip code to zip code.
If you do NOT plan to officiate CHSA BLAX this spring, email Scott Goettelman.
RMLOA Membership Registration Link: 2024 RMLOA Dues Registration